Kateryna Drozdova. Forming Axiological Attitude towards Healthy Lifestyle among Junior Schoolchildren

(2016) Science and education, 4, 120-125. Odessa.

Kateryna Drozdova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The current stage of the development of society requires the consolidation of consciousness around the idea of building a humanistic-oriented, democratic state. The issues of modernization of education on the principles of democratization and humanization, the creation of conditions for the full development of the intellectual and professional qualities of a person and the formation of a high level of health are of a great importance nowadays. The instilling of the responsible attitude in an individual towards both his/her own health and the health of other people is considered to be one of the priorities of the educational system in Ukraine. The formation of health culture, skills of healthy lifestyle, axiological attitude towards one’s own health must be started in the pre-school age. In Ukraine a great number of children have health problems and poor physical fitness, which is associated with a large academic load of primary school students, violation of the sleep-wake schedule, decrease of motor activity of children. The issue of health preservation is a subject of researches of many scientists, who consider various aspects of this problem: promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical education, health, culture, healthy lifestyle of primary school students, the preservation and strengthening of health of pupils in a family. A teacher is responsible for the implementation of this task: the main attention should be focused on the preparation of a new generation of teachers, the improvement of their general culture, and professional qualifications. Considering the above mentioned, the higher education is aimed at preparing a future physical education teacher for conscientious performance of health promotion and preventive work with primary pupils, who can not only teach and educate students, but also form their health culture and axiological attitude towards their health. Unfortunately, higher education not only fails to fulfill the task of preparing future teachers for health-educational activities, but also the problem of preserving the health of students is becoming more and more important. It is necessary to make primary school students maintain strict personal hygiene and improve these skills.   


physical education, future teachers, younger students, physical health, mental health.




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