Olena Bobro, Serhii Nedelev. Use of Natural Adaptogenes for Intensive Physical Activities

(2016) Science and education, 4, 111-116. Odessa.

Olena Bobro,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Biology and Foundations of Health,
Serhii Nedelev,
3 rd year student, Faculty of Physical Rehabilitation,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of studying natural substances which promote recovery of health. It will help to expand the general medical knowledge of students majoring in Physical culture and apply them in their practical activities. Preservation of health in case of long physical, emotional and mental activities of students majoring in Physical culture is considered to be an urgent issue today. A lot of health problems can be caused by the syndrome of overload, which in turn leads to visceral diseases. The syndrome of overload can cause a lot of diseases. Violations of cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary systems and digestive tract belong to the most often-observed problems in the health of sportsmen. In order to maintain an organism of a sportsman in a good physiological state various natural factors having a positive impact on the restoration of functional activity of organs are to be found and examined. A lot of attention is paid to the studying of positive influence of natural factors because they adequately influence the adaptable mechanisms of a human body and provide the biological activation of regulatory systems. The article is aimed at justifying the search for the naturally-occurring substances, which provide the sanogenic influence on the human body under the conditions of long-term physical and psycho-emotional loads. The group of naturally-occurring substances involves products of biological origin produced by means of the method of tissue therapy. As a rule they do not have side effects. Clinical and experimental results speak for the expediency of using tissue adaptogenes together with vitamins, antibiotics and other drugs. The efficiency of the course increases due to the fact that bioorganic metabolites are similar by the formulae with living bodies and are more physiological than other drugs. It has been established that natural adaptogenes contribute to the restoration of adaptation mechanisms and fast rehabilitation of sportsmen who suffer from the overload syndrome. They help to activate the adaptive and nutritional functions of the vegetative nervous system; normalize the biochemical processes and physiological functions; increase the level of adaptedness, etc. It allows using them during the rehabilitation period in order to restore sportsmen’s health.  


adaptation, health-saving technologies, teaching, physical activity, syndrome of overload.




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