Nataliia Bashavets. Current Features of Physical Training of University Students and Recommendations for its Improvement

(2016) Science and education, 4, 105-111. Odessa.

Nataliia Bashavets,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Department of Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines,
Odessa Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics,
6, 25 Chapaievskoi Divizii Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The formation of post-industrial society and innovative changes in young peoples’ occupation and rest, the transformation of the Ukrainian society affect the quality characteristics of physical culture. So it is quite natural that recent years in Ukraine are characterized by the active development of models of organization of physical training of university students. The most promising area of physical training optimization at higher educational institutions is searching for the creative and pedagogical educational model based on the international experience, which involves the humanization of subject-content basis, socio-cultural integration, professionally-oriented focus, the selectivity according to sports specialization, innovation activity of a teacher and the individualization of the educational process. The article is aimed at identifying the features of physical training of students at higher educational institutions basing on the review of the international experience and providing recommendations for its improvement. The review of the international experience in the organization of physical education makes it possible to identify different approaches to this process. It is quite clear that physical training is of the great importance in many countries because future graduates have to be highly skilled professionals with the high level of physical fitness. Under the current conditions higher educational institutions should implement a professionally-focused model of physical training organization (for 1st -3 rd year students) in the form of mandatory physical classes in study time (1 day a week), extracurricular activities and recreational sports classes for students with health problems (twice a week) and for physical classes healthy students – 2 times a week. 4th -5 th year students should be engaged into individual and sectional elective physical classes. The chosen by an educational institution model of physical training organization should contribute to the increasing of motor activity of students, improving of their physical and mental working capacity. It should have positive impact on students’ academic results; make them attend physical training classes with pleasure, do physical exercises at home in extracurricular time, etc.  


physical education, model, student, higher educational institution, pedagogical process.




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