Natalia Bachinska. Dynamics of Indicators of General and Special Physical Training of Acrobats in the Proc-ess of Long-Term Perfecting

(2016) Science and education, 4, 100-105. Odessa.

Natalia Bachinska,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sport), associate professor,
Department of Physical Education and Sports,
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University,
72, Haharina Avenue, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine



The continuous studying of the issue of physical training through the examples of different kinds of sports has revealed the importance of its differentiation. The ratio of the means and methods of general and special physical training depends on the individual characteristics of a sportsman, his/her experience in sports, training period, etc. Due to the relevance of the researched issue the review of the scientific approaches to the differential allocation of methods of general and special physical training in gymnastics for modifying the obtained data regarding five types of group hand balancing taking into account athletes’ specialization has been performed. The review of numerous programmes for child and youth sports acrobatics schools on sports has allowed to determine that when planning a curriculum for physical training, features of the role of sportsmen are not considered, and there is also no differentiated approach to the planning of the training loads. The article is aimed at complementing and extending the content of classification programs on sports acrobatics related to the planning of general and special physical training at the stages of long-term perfecting. The results of the introduced author’s programme have revealed that the total amount of special physical training in hand balancing is increasing, and the amount of general physical training is decreasing. During the long-term training the dynamics of general and special physical training regarding the roles and gender differences through the example of medium load can be observed. First-class sportsmen should perform exercises of general physical training related to the specificity of group hand balancing, which means that combined developing exercises should be similar to acrobatic ones with neuromuscular efforts. Means of special physical training should be similar in the technique and basic motor skills of acrobats. The most effective ratio of the loads of general and special physical training is the following: at the general preparatory phase – 72% and 28%, at the specially-preparatory stage – 65% and 35%, in the competitive period – 60% and 40%. The method of using means and methods of special physical training of acrobats considering their role allows to increase the level of physical fitness, to ensure the effective development of basic motor skills, etc.  


acrobatics, physical training, long-term training.




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