Halyna Yavorska. Methods of Forming Future Jurists’ Basic Competences

(2016) Science and education, 4, 84-89. Odessa.

Halyna Yavorska,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Department of Humanities,
International Humanitarian University,
33, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article is focused on the methods of forming basic competences of future lawyers (required forms, methods and means); the most effective approaches to the solving of the above mentioned problem (hermeneutic, competencebased) have been determined. It has been shown that consistent implementation of hermeneutic approach into organization of learning, educational and professional activity of future jurists provides the process of forming basic competences with the necessary format of pedagogical influence over students’ motivational and conceptual orientations. In the author’s opinion, hermeneutic basis of work with texts facilitates forming information and communicative competence and helps implement specific purposes of future jurists’ professional development in the course of training. The paper also demonstrates the role of specially created conditions (laboratories) for conducting practical lessons (legal clinic, criminalistic laboratory, training-laboratory “Court room”, etc.). Creation of the so-called “Pres-centre” is of great importance in forming basic competences, particularly, the communicative one. Giving practical lessons in the “Press-centre” facilitates the formation and development of forensic speech culture, activation of the process of profession-related thinking, the ability to conduct public professional argument and vindicate one’s judgment referring to regulatory framework, to establish contact with the listener, etc. Thus, at modern legal institutions of higher education there is an opportunity to create a great number of conditions for giving practical lessons with future jurists with the purpose of forming their basic competences and their development as professionals of their legal job. Prospects for further research involve the problem of training teachers-lawyers for pedagogical activity at higher educational institutions.  


competence, basic competence, lawyers-jurists, approaches (hermeneutic, competence-based), activity (learning, education and professional, quasiprofessional).




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