Nadiia Kychuk. Risk Management as a Complex Activity of a Modern Higher Educational Institution

(2016) Science and education, 4, 80-83. Odessa.

Nadiia Kychuk,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, dean of the Department of Pedagogy,
Izmail State University of Humanities,
77, Suvorova Avenue, Izmail, Ukraine 



The article deals with the expediency of risk management a modern educational institution comes across. Besides, the main risks of a university affecting the quality of education have been described. Modern world is characterized by constant risks and it is the right response to them that is considered to be the prerequisite of the success. Education as a part of social life is not an exception. That is why risk management allows not only predicting and preventing negative phenomena, but also provides the achievement of goals of the long-term programmes of higher institutions’ development. There is a lack of researches in the field of risk management in education in the Ukrainian scientific sources. It has been determined that one of the main reasons of risks in the system of educational institutions management is a human factor. The risks associated with the human resources are based on human nature as a complex subject of management, which creates a certain level of information and behaviour ambiguity, and quite low controllability of the organizational behaviour. It has been proved that the system of internal audit at a higher educational institution allows to estimate probable risks, indentify them and be able to remove the reasons of risks. The audit system involves the organizational and functional structure, the principles of control, processes and methods accepted by the authorities of a higher educational institution as a means of efficient pursuit of activities. The implementation of the system risk management and the internal audit through the key indicators of risks at universities can provide the efficiency of its activities, increase its competitiveness at the education services market.  


risk, management, risk management, higher educational institution, risks of higher educational institution.




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