Керекеша О. В. Introduction of Through Foreign Language Teaching in the ONEU

(2016) Science and education, 4, 70-74. Odessa.

Olha Kerekesha,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Foreign Languages Department,Odessa National Economic University,
8, Preobrazhenska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Based on the carried out research, the paper is focused on the significance of introducing the system of comprehensive foreign language teaching. This system has been developed by the author; it can be used with the aim of improving students-economists’ level of mastering language competences, cross-cultural communication in a foreign language, increasing the level of their readiness for professional communication in a foreign language. All the above mentioned make the work of university teachers more focused on achieving a common result and make interdepartmental contacts closer. It is the system of comprehensive teaching which makes it possible to process a large amount of material on the specialty using various forms, methods and techniques of work in a foreign language. In this case, a foreign language becomes not the purpose of the studying but an instrument for the development of other professional competencies. The use of the integrated system provides students with the opportunity to perceive speech of different lecturers in the course of training; facilitates their quick adaptation to changes in the pan-European linguistic and professional environment, allows them to compete and, consequently, to obtain better results. Thus, comprehensive system of foreign language teaching in the professional activity allows to pay more attention to encouraging students to their professional development and creates special conditions for self-development and creativity enhancement.  


the system of comprehensive foreign language teaching; intersubject communications; readiness for cross-cultural communication in the European professional environment.




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