Svitlana Zavoloka. Implementation of Advanced Technologies in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Lan-guage (Using the French Language as an Example)

(2016) Science and education, 4, 65-69. Odessa.

Svitlana Zavoloka,
senior teacher, Department of Foreign Languages,
Odessa National Economic University,
8, Preobrazhenska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The aim of the article is a detailed theoretical analysis of the peculiarities of implementing new technologies as the basis of the improvement of foreign language teaching quality and efficiency. The article also deals with the issues of the transition from the knowledge- to the activity-based paradigm, the use of modern educational technologies in teaching as well as the lesson planning that is different from the conventional approach. The tendency of transition from the traditional to the innovative approach of teaching a foreign language has been emphasized in the article. Computer-based teaching as a new trend in teaching a foreign language has been examined. A detailed analysis was conducted through the example of the project “A successful company” among the 2nd year students of majoring in tourism. Basing on the carried out analysis it has been defined that nowadays the new technologies of teaching a foreign language are being actively implemented and used into the educational process. New information technologies are not only the forms, methods and tools of teaching but also a new approach to teaching. On the other hand, there is a need for carefully picked up educational and methodical materials which are also used for practical training. One of ways to combine these parties is the creation of presentations which at the present stage of the latest technologies development are one of the most effective methods of a foreign language teaching. Computer presentations allow a teacher and his/her students to diversify the material of presentations, unite different organizational forms of lessons aiming at receiving good results by the minimum expenses of time. Creativity and autonomous study are of a great importance in teaching a foreign language using innovative technologies. New technologies, according to the author, allow to solve didactic problems and their usage will contribute to an increase of the quality of teaching. All forms and methods of organization a teaching process must be focused on the formation of professional competencies of students.  


innovative teaching, information and communication technologies, project-based teaching, knowledgebased paradigm, Internet resources, practice-oriented mono-project.




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