Sofiia Roi. Individual Educational Trajectories as Means of Enhancement of Information Culture of Future Teachers

(2016) Science and education, 4, 59-64. Odessa.

Sofiia Roi,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
Staroportofrankivska Str., 26, Odesa, Ukraine



Relevance of the research is caused by rampant development of information technologies and the need for training future specialists to use them, for providing future specialists with necessary skills and abilities for effective work in information society. In this regard, the great value gets the research of personal information culture. High level of the above mentioned culture provides specialists’ ability to find and process necessary information, to master new information technologies and to improve their professional skills. Thus, the formation of future specialist’s information culture in the course of training is the most important problem of modern education. The purpose of the research is to justify theoretically the use of individual educational trajectories as means of improving the information culture of future teachers. Information culture of a specialist is considered as an integral personal formation that includes knowledge and skills of using modern information technologies. There are three main approaches to defining the nature of the concept of an “individual educational trajectory”: personal, personal and procedural, programme. The interrelation of the concepts of “individual educational trajectory”, “individual educational route”, and “individual educational programme” is also considered. In this research we consider the concepts of “individual educational trajectory” and “individual educational route” identical, highlighting however the concept of “individual educational programme”. We consider an individual educational trajectory (route) as a type of individualization and differentiation of training which is shown in students’ choice of contents, the purposes, methods and tutorials according to their interests, abilities and motivations, which is implemented in cooperation with a teacher. An individual educational program is considered as a curriculum developed with the account of personal characteristics of a student which is a basis of an individual educational route. As part of the current research, the level of information culture of future teachers has been determined. Due to its low level, a three-stage system of enhancing the above mentioned culture at the foreign language lessons with the use of individual educational trajectories has been offered. The first stage involves the use of individual trajectories of an adaptive type and reproductive tasks. At the second stage the developing of individual trajectories and tasks of productive type are used. The third stage is based on the creative individual trajectories and creative tasks. As a result, the students should have formed abilities and skills of dealing with information technologies and their creative use.   


information culture, individual educational trajectory, individual educational route, individual educational programme, future teachers.




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