Bozhena Bukhovets. Efficiency of Bobath Correctional Remedial Exercises for Preschoolers with Cerebral Palsy Considering their Gender Peculiarities

(2016) Science and education, 4, 47-54. Odessa.

Bozhena Bukhovets,
post-graduate student, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education,
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of the efficiency of applying Bobath therapy as the main method of the correction of psycho-physical state of preschoolers with central nervous system damages considering their gender. In order to assess the efficiency of the correctional remedial exercises the adapted scale “Testing motor skills of children aged from 3 months to the lawful age” was used. It helped to estimate the stages of psychomotor development of preschoolers. Due to its flexibility, accessibility and informative value it became possible to assess the effectiveness of the Bobath therapy for the correction of the psychophysical state of the above mentioned children. The experiment was based on the estimation of the basic motor skills in certain positions at the beginning and the dynamics of their formation at the end of the course of Bobath correctional remedial gymnastics. Positive results in the formation of motor skills in the initial position standing on all fours of both boys and girls have been observed. It confirms the effective influence of the proposed method on the back muscles, upper and lower limbs. It should be stated that all the examined motor skills have improved, however, the deterioration in the formation of some complex skills (walking, lifting a leg) because of the rapid improvement of performing more simple exercises (sitting, kneestanding) has been noted. Considering the research results it should be emphasized that Bobath correctional remedial gymnastics contributes to successive formation of locomotor system functions of preschoolers with central nervous system damage.  


psychomotor development, preschoolers, the Bobath method, central nervous system, remedial gymnastics.




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