Alina Hadomska. Formation and Enrichment of Foreign Students’ Vocabulary by Means of Creolised Advertising Texts: Types of Exercises.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 37-42. Odessa.

Alina Hadomska,
post-graduate student,
Department of Ukrainian Philology and Methods of Teaching Special Subjects,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
36, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The article presents the description of different types of exercises used in the work with foreign students for forming and enriching their vocabulary by means of creolised advertising texts. The classroom work aimed at enriching foreign students’ vocabulary is based on the following principles: the necessity of enriching a foreign student’s vocabulary as a secondary linguistic personality and the active development of his/her associative thinking. A teacher working with foreign students faces the following tasks in his/her professional activities: forming active and passive vocabulary, providing their mastering of the environment at the sensory and intellectual levels for full mastering of the concepts which precondition the choice of the study material used for the organisation of the lexical work. In the carried out research, the pragmatic (authentic) materials, taken from native speakers’ communication practice, namely modern creolised advertising texts were used as study materials for enriching the vocabulary. Well-formed system of exercises is one of the most important factors of the successful language mastering and the basis for the organisation of the educational process. The following exercises (which are considered to be the part of the experimental technique forming speech and cultural adaptation) were used in the experimental work with the students at the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment: informational games-exercises, analytical and synthetic (analytical and classification; analytical and productive; thesaurus and contextual), associative, imitational, communicative exercises. Each of them is based on the elements of the creolised advertising text analysis, which increases students’ semantic associations. The system of exercises based on the analysis of authentic pragmatic materials contributes to the development of foreign students’associative thinking, to the formation of strong semantic bonds between the concepts and lexical units; enriching their active and passive vocabulary.


Ukrainian as a foreign language, foreign students, vocabulary, creolised advertising texts.




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