Ihor Cherkun. Pedagogical Conditions of Future Reserve Officers-Psychologists’ Special Military Competence Formation During Military Training.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 16-22. Odessa.

Ihor Cherkun,
senior lecturer, Department of Military Training,
National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”,
8, Didrikhsona Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The following pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of the technique aimed at the formation of special military competence of future reserve officers-psychologists in the process of military training have been distinguished: creating educational environment by organizing subject-subject interaction based on the programme for the development of the skills of social and psychological work (special course ―Military training of future reserve officerspsychologists‖); using active methods of future reserve officers-psychologists’ special military competence formation in the process of military training; forming students’ positive self-concept, approval of subjectivity, the full development of students’  potential in educational and professional activities. The first pedagogical condition involves the person-centered educational process and educational environment planning. The second condition is implemented by means of using active teaching methods in the educational process aiming to ensure close relationship between training theory and practice for future professional activities of military psychologists. The third pedagogical condition of future reserve officers-psychologists’ military competence formation is implemented through the development of students’ self-consciousness, reflection, creative skills, volitional qualities and mechanisms of volitional self-regulation, etc. The above mentioned pedagogical conditions are considered to be the core of the developed technique aimed at the development of future reserve officers-psychologists’ military competence formation, which will be described in the further studies. Besides, the further research involves suggesting recommendations for scientific and pedagogical staff in using this technique.


special military competence, future reserve officers-psychologists, student, pedagogical conditions.




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