Olha Ocheretna. Characteristics of the Level of Acmeological Culture Maturity in Future Telecommunication Specialists in the Course of Training.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 10-15. Odessa.

Olha Ocheretna,
lecturer, Department of Linguistic Training,
Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after O. S. Popov,
1, Kovalska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper outlines the relevance of the issue of forming telecommunication specialist’s personality, which should be thoroughly studied and solved. The aim of the paper is to identify the levels of acmeological culture maturity in future telecommunication specialists in the course of training and to describe these levels. Also, the paper presents the description of the structure of acmeological culture formation (components, criteria, indexes) in the process of training future telecommunication specialists as well as diagnostic tools for assessing the levels of acmeological culture maturity. These levels were specified according to the components that comprise the structure of future telecommunication specialists’ acmeological culture: acmeological literacy, acmeological competence, and professional psychological culture, either of which is represented by the system of indexes. Acmeological literacy was evaluated on the basis of motivational and evaluative criterion with the following indexes: the need for achievements, motivation for success and avoiding failure, value orientations, students’ acmeological orientation at "work", "themselves", "relationships"; good command of technical English (test-inventory for assessing the need for achievements by Yu. Orlov, technique for diagnosing personality’s motivation for success and failure avoidance by T. Elers; technical English skills were assessed according to the results of tests and assignments in English for Specific Purposes). Acmeological competence was evaluated on the basis of value-specific and self-realisation criteria according to the following indexes: reasonable selfesteem of personality’s capacity and attempts level, satisfaction with the attained level of life projects realisation, balance of self-realisation and self-development in various spheres of life (test-inventory "Evaluation of the effectiveness of self-development as a factor of achieving "acme"). In order to measure the indexes of profession pedagogical culture on the basis of creative and self-realisation criterion, we used the technique developed by G. Olport "Diagnostics of realisation of need for self-development" as well as "Diagnostics of self-development level" by L. Berezhnov for identifying the ability to unlock and mobilise one’s own efforts under any circumstances, successful work performance with the aim of self-revealisation of hidden capabilities. Thus, according to certain criteria and indexes of students’ acmeological culture maturity, the diagnostic programme of examining future specialists has been developed. The complex of diagnostic measures makes it possible to state the insufficient level of acmeological culture maturity in future telecommunication managers in the course of training. The results obtained demonstrate the necessity for redoubling attention to the formation of their acmeological culture.


acmeological culture, levels of maturity, future telecommunication specialists.




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