Shahnaz Shooshtarizede, Ali Reza Yousefi, Narges Keshtiaray. Medical Professionalism: Teaching and Learning.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 149-155. Odessa.

Shahnaz Shooshtarizede,
faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Falavarjan Branch, post-graduate student,
Islamic Azad University, Khourasgan Branch, Isfahan, Iran
Ali Reza Yousefi,
professor, Medical Education Research Center,
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran,
Narges Keshtiaray,
associate professor, Department of Educational Science,
Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran



The objective of modern education is to ensure that every physician understands the nature of professionalism, its characteristics, and the obligations necessary to sustain it. This can be considered as a cognitive base of professionalism. Teaching the cognitive base of professionalism is not difficult. Establishing the environment where the process of socialization in its most positive sense can take place is much harder. A scientifically competent medicine alone cannot help a patient grapple with the loss of health or find meaning in suffering. Along with professional skills, physicians need the ability to listen to patients and to act on their behalf. This is narrative competence, that is, the competence that human beings use to absorb, interpret, and respond to stories. This competency enables the physician to practice medicine with empathy, reflection, professionalism, and trustworthiness. Through systematic and rigorous training of such narrative skills as close reading, reflective writing, and authentic discourse with patients, medical students can improve their care of patients, commitment to their own health and fulfillment, care of their colleagues, and continued fidelity to medicine’s ideals. Programs can be done to incorporate narrative work into many aspects of medical education and practice. It is time to stop focusing on the rule-based professionalism that dominates in our current teaching. Instead, we must acknowledge the narrative basis of medicine and develop educational experiences that will allow students and residents to learn what it truly means to be a physician. The assessment of professionalism must be subjective, narrative, personal, undertaken during both the periods of stress and during everyday activities (not just on special occasions).


medical professionalism, teaching, learning, curriculum, teaching methods.




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