Leila Khazaei, Parvin Ahmadi, Sedigheh Momeni far, Farideh Rahmani, Hamed Bakhshi, Ayub Ali fat, Javad Gholipour, Reza Hosseinpour. Challenges and Disadvantages of Multigrade Teaching: Qualitative Research.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 135-142. Odessa.

Leila Khazaei,
PhD student in Curriculum development, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran,
Parvin Ahmadi,
PhD student in Curriculum Development, Al-Zahra (SA) University, Tehran, Iran,
Sedigheh Momeni far,
M.sc student in Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Saveh, Saveh, Iran,
Farideh Rahmani,
M.sc student in Philosophy history of Education, Islamic Azad University of Takestan, Takestan, Iran
Hamed Bakhshi,
PhD student in Philosophy of Education, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran,
Ayub Ali fat,
PhD student in Philosophy of Education, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran,
Javad Gholipour,
M.sc student in Curriculum development, University of Allameh Tabatabai (RA), Tehran, Iran,
Reza Hosseinpour,
assistant professor, Imam Hussein (AS) University, Tehran, Iran



This study aimed to analyze the challenges of multi-grade classrooms from teachers’ views in order to improve the educational process. Research population included all teachers of multi-grade classrooms who live and work in Aleshtar City. Among 168 teachers 13 persons were selected by purposive sampling method. A non-structured interview was used as a research tool in the experiment. The data analysis was performed using content analysis method. The results have shown that the teachers face the following problems in multi-grade classrooms: lack of time, lack of students’ motivation, academic failure, lack of proper class management, inappropriate age composition, lack of attention to students’ individual needs, lack of educational facilities, lack of educational justice and inadequate authorities’ support. The following recommendations were provided according to the results of the study in order to improve the educational process of multi-grade classrooms: it is suggested to provide required incentive for teachers by considering special privileges; it is necessary to revise the volume of textbooks for the students and special textbooks with more appropriate contents; it is recommended that education authorities equip such schools with proper teaching aids and materials instead of reducing their number; it is suggested to engage experts of multi-grade education in the departments of education to deal with the problems of teachers of such classes; it is suggested that educational authorities apply the successful experience of other countries in the field of multi-grade classroom, etc.


challenge, multi-grade classrooms, teachers, qualitative study.




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