Huang Jingsheng. Experimental Model of Future Fine Art Teachers’ Aesthetic Worldview Formation.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 83-87. Odessa.

Huang Jingsheng,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the applied aspect of future Fine Art teachers’ aesthetic worldview formation, the most optimal way of which is the scientific substantiation and development of the experimental model. Its implementation into the educational process will provide the stable positive dynamics of the formation of the following aesthetic worldview components: person-centred, practice-focused, and integrative one. The experimental model development is based on the fact that aesthetic worldview as a complex integrative personal and professional construct can be controlled/influenced by means of special forms of work with students, for example, special educational modules which reveal the phenomenon of aesthetic worldview, the specificity of its manifestation in a Fine Art teacher, the combining of individual and group forms of work, auto-training exercises supporting the harmonious development of a teacherartist’s creative personality. The experimental model is based on the fact that the essence of modelling is implemented in the artificial system of elements which reflects certain properties, aspects and bonds of the studied object. It includes the unit of goal-setting (the aim of experimental actions), content unit (pedagogical conditions of future Fine Art teachers’ aesthetic worldview formation: integration of psychological, pedagogical and art disciplines; filling the educational environment with aesthetic content; facilitative support of teacher’s creative personality development), and resultative unit (the system of criteria and indicators of students’ aesthetic worldview maturity).


aesthetic worldview, future Fine Art teacher, experimental model, formation, pedagogical conditions.




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