Аnna Dobrovolska. Independent Work as a Means of Forming Future Doctors and Pharmacists’ IT Competence.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 74-83. Odessa.

Аnna Dobrovolska,
PhD (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Medical Informatics, Medical and Biological Physics,
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University,
2, Halytska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine



Independent work, which is implemented with the aim of forming future doctors and pharmacists’ IT competence in the process of studying scientific disciplines, consists of motivational, cognitive, information and semantic, activity, procedural, reflexive and evaluative components. The developed manuals, implemented into the process of teaching the scientific disciplines, can be considered as a form of communication (i.e. educational resources) which provides commutation between the subjects of the educational process during the self-educational IT competence formation, and also as information resources, which involve integration of all methodical materials within the limits of each educational complex developed for every studied scientific discipline. Some practical tasks and tests of four levels, which form a certain system within the limits of the developed manuals and intended for performing during independent work implementation, are aimed at preparing future specialists for practical classes, passing current and final module controls, making control and term papers (projects), and also individual independent and research works. The model of knowledge acquisition in the process of future doctors and pharmacists’ IT competence formation in the process of independent work implementation has been developed. Within the limits of this model, the self-educational process of future specialists’ IT competence formation and their professional knowledge, abilities and skills acquisition during teaching scientific disciplines to them by means of the developed manuals can be corrected in practice. The research results have shown that the developed manuals are the effective means of future doctors and pharmacists’ independent work organisation and implementation, which is aimed at the formation of their IT competence in the process of teaching scientific disciplines to them.


questionnaire, survey, question, task, components, model, independent work, manuals.




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