(2016) Science and education, 12, 68-74. Odessa.
Tetiana Svekla,
post-graduate student,
Department of Ukrainian Philology and Methods of Teaching Vocational Subjects,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The article is aimed at analysing the concept of «strategy» in the field of advertising and its classification, distinguishing the concepts of "PR-text" and "ad copy", studying their relationship in effective advertising discourse organisation. Communication strategy in the field of advertising discourse is considered as a complex of creative activities consisting of an informational component, a unique offer of advertising appeal and the process of its transmission to consumers through the dissemination of advertising aimed at the selection of the priority instruments of marketing communications, their optimal combination and strengthening of the integrative effect on consumers. Basing on the fact that the communication strategies of advertising are characterised by powerful force, making it possible to control the human mind, and force a recipient act regardless of his/her real desires or needs, the following strategies have been distinguished: oriented-way, informative and manipulative, argumentative and mnemonic, emotional and affecting, causative and optimisational. According to this typology, the following levels of assimilation in the process of training future specialists in the field of advertising have been identified: receptive and sensitive, reproductive and operational creative and productive. The first level involves recognition of advertising texts among other types by means of comparison; classification of media texts by thematic groups; the ability to highlight structural and compositional characteristics of media texts and their components, and analyse them, basing on the background and theoretical knowledge. The second and third levels involve the applied character of the knowledge acquisition. The ability to analyse advertising and PR-texts at the reproductive and operational level will clearly define the verge of advertising and PR texts, and also classify media texts by genre and type. This will provide avoiding mistakes at the third, creative and productive level, because it involves the creation of a unique piece of one’s promotional products that can be competitive in the field of advertising discourse.
advertising text, communication strategy, PR-text, social communication specialists in advertising and public relations.
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