Tamara Pushkariova. Factors of Educational Process Innovative Projecting in Terms of Education Reforming.

(2016) Science and education, 12, 57-63. Odessa.

Tamara Pushkariova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
Head of the Department of Project Management,
Institute of Educational Modernisation,
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
36, Lipkovskoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The creation of the theoretical background for innovation projecting in the educational process in the field of secondary education should be carried out in terms of educational system reforming. It is due to the fact that the innovation projecting is considered as an important and powerful tool for reforms in education. The components of innovative educational activities, including innovative educational projecting are considered as important tools for education reforming. Social and other education specific factors, objective and subjective ones, are regarded as those affecting the process of innovative educational projecting in secondary education. The groups of factors that affect innovation processes and stimulate their progress and effectiveness, as well as the constraints factors that hinder education modernization in accordance with today’s requirements are described. Fundamental changes in education lead to raising individual’s development, which is the background for carrying out reforms in the society. Educational innovations are regarded as one of the powerful tools for education reforming. Innovative educational projecting is considered as an important means for solving conflicts that hinder education reforms. The following social factors (objective and subjective ones) influence innovative educational projecting: undeveloped mechanism for educational innovations implementation in a particular educational institution; the lack of necessary teaching and methodological support; teachers’ unawareness of the innovation activity realization and its problems; lack of certified criteria for evaluating work effectiveness; teachers’ overload with teaching and other activities; limited resources, etc. The idea of promotion of socioeconomic efficiency of person-oriented innovative educational activities, based on the system of continuous improvement of all its elements as one of the main priorities of the innovation educational projecting in Ukraine is an important conclusion of the article.


innovation projecting, education reform, innovation learning environment.




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