(2016) Science and education, 11, 49-55. Odessa.

Natalia Perehonchuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology and Social Work,
Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University,
32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnitsia, Ukraine



In terms of integration, democratisation, socio-economic changes in the society, significant reforms are taking place in the sphere of education. The educational environment is becoming more and more spontaneous and global. The main task of a subject of the educational environment is supporting its professional competence in terms of dynamic and constant changes of everyday life. One of the key moments of the education modernisation is the creation of pedagogical conditions and efficient ways of future psychologist’s professional competence formation in accordance with modern demands. The article is aimed at reviewing the issue of a future psychologist’s professional competence formation in the modern educational environment. Basing on the psychological literature review the following conditions of future psychologist’s professional competence formation have been distinguished: refocusing on the changing and structuring of future psychologist’s inner state in the process of the formation of knowledge and skills in the interaction between a student and a teacher; development of a future psychologist’s skills and desire to study throughout life; professional competence has a personal character and includes a man’s subjective experience, his/her needs, interests, desires, feelings, and value orientations; profound knowledge, acquired in the process of professional training, creates potential opportunity for a student to develop in a professional way; reflexive environment as a precondition for the personal development gives an opportunity for self-examination and self-correction of socio-psychological and professional recourses. The following features of the modern educational environment contributing to the formation of future psychologists’ professional competence have been identified: unique character, paradoxical feature, openness, uncertainty; variability (formal, informal education). The organisation of the modern educational environment has its principles, rules and conditions and plays a significant role not only in the formation of professional competence, but also professional and personal development of a future psychologist.


professional competence, reflexive environment, person-centered education, competence approach, future psychologists.




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