(2016) Science and education, 11, 11-17. Odessa.

Iryna Brynza,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Nataliia Lyshchyna,
post-graduate student, Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of assessing personality’s role crisis, stages of the development and teasing of results of the inventory for psychometric efficiency. The scientific literature review has revealed a great variety of psychodiagnostic methods for assessing the crisis characteristics experienced by a man, as well as types of the role behaviour crisis, but there are no methods for assessing the peculiarities of experiencing the role crisis. That is why it was reasonable to develop a new author’s technique. The paper is aimed at describing the stages of development and testing of diagnostic test instrument that makes it possible to measure the indicators of propensity to experiencing role crisis. With the purpose of diagnostic test instrument development, the authors applied theoretical, synthetic, analytical methods, expert evaluation method, diagnostic, mathematical and statistical methods. The aim, according to the requirements of psychometrics, was implemented in several stages. At the first stage, theoretical construct of the inventory was prepared; six role-based characteristics were distinguished by expertise: 1. I am a child; 2. I am a mother/father; 3. I am a wife/husband; 4. I am a professional; 5. I am a woman/man; 6. I am an adult. At the second stage, the form and indicators of the answers were chosen. At the third stage, theoretical construct of the technique was tested for psychometric effectiveness. The testing of face validity was carried out with the cooperation of a group of respondents (136 people) and experts-psychologists (26 people). It showed the need for modification of the inventory and deleting some statements. The paper presents the tables illustrating homogeneity (consistency) of the parts of the inventory and discriminative character of test cases. Rather significant coefficients of correlations between all the indicators demonstrate homogeneity of the test cases, its internal consistency in general, which confirms its discriminative character. To substantiate construct validity of the inventory, we applied factor analysis that made it possible to confirm the total number of statements included into the inventory: there were 96 statements left (both for men and women’s variants). Thus, the above-mentioned statistical proofs confirm the inventory’s reliability, validity, discriminative character, and psychometric effectiveness. The inventory is applicable for scientific and practical purposes.


personality, crisis, life roles, experiencing role crisis, role-based dysfunctions.




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