(2016) Science and education, 11, 72-79. Odessa.

Anastasiia Yatsyshyna,
post-graduate student, Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The issue of destructive behaviour is considered to be relevant for modern psychology as it still remains understudied. Psychological mechanisms of its formation, manifestation and correction complicate the process of its examination and the development of the techniques for its prevention and correction. There have been three stages in the history of studying psychological manifestations of destructive behaviour of a personality: prescientific, the stage of consideration of the mechanisms of destructive behaviour and ways of its overcoming, as well as the scientific one. In the present study, destructive behaviour is understood as a process of inadequate actions, aimed at complicating the interaction between a personality and social environment. In order to prevent the development of destructive behaviour in children, it is necessary to take the following measures: to encourage a child to be engaged in a certain kind of creative (or sport) activities according to his/her personal traits and interests; regard and respect his/her interest and opinion; always be ready to help; explain the harm of destructive behaviour. The interaction of a child with his/her peers, as well as the influence of mass media can cause the deviant forms of his/her behaviour. Practical psychologists suggest different kinds of teleotherapeutics, psychogymnastics, music and game therapy, logotherapy. The latter is focused on the verbalisation of emotional states and verbal description of feelings. Other specialists consider game therapy as the best way for forming psychic stability as it can act as diagnostic, therapeutic and teaching tool. Besides, psychological gymnastics can be very efficient as well. It involves the exercises based on changing mimics, pantomime. The empirical part of the study includes interviewing experienced teachers according to the developed questionnaire. In order to assess the features of destructive behaviour, the following properties were used: proneness to conflicts, impatience, aggressiveness, rudeness in communication, protervity, inadequate actions, decrease of adaptive capacity, etc. The research results have made it possible to state that proneness to conflicts, impatience and inadequate actions are the most significant features of school-aged children’s destructive behaviour. 


destructive behaviour, destructiveness, inadequate actions, school-aged children.




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