(2016) Science and education, 11, 60-66. Odessa.

Vladyslav Papusha,
senior teacher, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Correction Education,
Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education,
74, Chornovola Str., Rivne, Ukraine



Victim behaviour is peculiar to every person in a greater or lesser extent, regardless of age, sex, and education. It is manifested especially sharply in adolescence, which is characterised by rapid and intense life changes. The highest tendency of adolescents to fall into situations of danger is observed during this period. The aim of the article is a theoretical analysis of the main forms of manifestation of the victim behaviour of adolescents. The theoretical analysis revealed that the issue of victim behaviour can be considered in different aspects. In this study, the term “victim behaviour” denotes a form of adolescents’ social activities based on wrong, reckless, immoral, provocative actions, which served as a trigger for committing crimes. The victim behaviour is a deviation from the norms of safe behaviour and is implemented in a set of social, mental, and moral manifestations. Many researchers associate these deviations with the following negative factors which violate the process of socialisation: dissatisfaction with social demands and the presence of such dispositions, which affect the choice of social means and ways of satisfying the needs. There are several groups of adolescents according to the victim behaviour manifestation. The first one includes adolescents with amoral and even unlawful behaviour. They are characterised by such traits as selfishness, rudeness, impatience, etc. The second group of victims involves adolescents who have no clear negative traits but their behaviour can cause or contribute to committing a crime. Along with this, the motives of such behaviour are considered as the adolescents’ desire to assert themselves. And the behaviour of adolescents from the third group is considered to be neutral from the standpoint of morality and law. These adolescents are easily influenced by other people; they have no stable skills of moral behaviour, but skills and knowledge which are not their own beliefs.


adolescent, victim behaviour, forms, types, kinds of manifestations.




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