(2016) Science and education, 11, 5-10. Odessa.

Oleksandr Voronov,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
doctoral student of State Management Department,
National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine,
20, Ezhena Pottier Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The relevance of the formation of citizens’ social activity, their readiness for self-organisation for solving their prob- lems and participation in the processes of formation of public management in Ukraine has been considered. It has been proven that the position of certain public authority bodies that avoid making necessary decisions leads to decline in social activity of citizens. The aim of the research is the analysis of functioning of the phenomenon of individual activity in the sphere of public management and its impact on making managerial decisions. The basic task of the scientific research is the formation and approbation of psychological mechanisms of improvement of personal activity of public servants in the processes of making managerial decisions. In the course of the research, analytical method, questioning, and method of diagnosis of a personality’s motivation for success by T. Elers was used. The activity of the person who makes decisions plays a leading role in this process and appears permanently in its different phases. The results of the questioning of the Master-degree students majoring in public management concerning the systematisation of problematics of individual activ- ity increase in the process of making decisions by public servants have been presented. The impact of motivation of public servants on their activity in the processes of making managerial decisions has been reviewed. Public servants with the average and moderately high level of motivation for success form the basic groups according to the quantitative character- istics. Administrators of public authority bodies have high rates according to the average, moderately high and ultrahigh levels of motivation for success. High motivation for success promotes their active participation in the processes of making decisions, but causes low level of disposition to making risky decisions. The model of influence of activity on making decisions in the sphere of public management has been developed. Structurally the model is divided into three levels: indi- vidual activity of public servants, group activity (inherent to public management bodies) and social activity of people from regions of Ukraine. Study of influence of public servants’ individual activity on making risky decisions in public manage- ment bodies is considered to be basic direction of further research. 


activity, decision-making, public management, social activity, model, motivation.




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