(2016) Science and education, 10, 212-220. Odessa.

Tetiana Yarkho,
PhD (Candidate of Engineering Sciences), associate professor,
Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics,
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Yaroslava Mudroho Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



According to the new law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, at higher educational establishments of III-IV levels of accreditation, a transfer to the multi-level system of higher education has been put into practice, which is represented by the Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and PhD degree. Numerous higher educational establishments have introduced a course of fundamental and applied mathematics training into the compulsory educational-scientific curriculum of the third cycle of higher education for the first time. This paper substantiates and presents the content of the suggested course for future Doctors of Philosophy in the sphere of engineering sciences. The content of Part One of the course entitled “Additional Aspects of Classical Mathematics and their Practical Applications” is preconditioned by a wide spectrum of modern technical applications and related aspects. The sections of the Part One are devoted to the general theory of sets, special issues of linear algebra, classical methods of optimisation, additional sections of integral calculus, special issues of differential equations, elements of harmonic analysis. The aim of Part Two of the course entitled “Stochastic Methodology in Applied Problems” is mastering the probability-statistical research instruments in technical fields. The two sections of the Part Two include the principal constituents of the mathematical apparatus of statistics: the theory of statistical evaluation of unknown parameters of the model under analysis and the theory of testing statistical hypotheses about the parameters or nature of the analysed model. In the three last sections of the Part Two, the key problems of applied statistics are outlined. The significance of mathematics as the universal language of sciences, as a powerful tool of solving applied problems, as well as forming creative thinking and intellectual development of a personality is taken into account in the formation of the content of the basic training in mathematics. 


multi-level system of higher education, the third cycle of higher education, Doctor of Philosophy, educational-scientific curriculum, fundamental and applied training in mathematics, creative thinking, additional aspects of classical mathematics, stochastic methodology.




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