(2016) Science and education, 10, 200-205. Odessa.

Huang Jingsheng,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the philosophic and psychological approaches to studying the issue of future of Fine Art teachers’ aesthetic worldview, as well as its pedagogical context. The main parameter of the scientific substantiation of the essence and structure of aesthetic worldview of Fine Art teachers is its relation to another complex integrative phenomenon – aesthetic consciousness. The author interprets aesthetic consciousness on the basis of research works by leading scientists (classics and contemporary ones). According to the results of scientific literature review, the author specifies aesthetic worldview as a system of beliefs, view of the nature, world, society, and place of a man in it, as well as beliefs, ideals, and principles of reality perception. Considering the complexity and variety of interpretations of aesthetic worldview and aesthetic consciousness, the author also analyses the connection of aesthetic worldview and creative capabilities of a Fine Art teacher with his/her initiative in overcoming stability of artistic activities by means of creativity. Following the results of the current research, aesthetic worldview has been defined as personality’s ability to organise his/her work according to the humanitarian way of perceiving the image of the world, artistic tendency, artistic culture, which is manifested through positive attitude to the profession by means of forming corresponding aesthetic images of educational work in ones’ consciousness.


 personality’s view of the world, aesthetic consciousness, a future teacher of Fine Art.




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