(2016) Science and education, 10, 189-194. Odessa.

Valentyna Frytsiuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Professional Education,
Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University of Vinnytsya,
32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine



The article presents the results of the assessment of the following components of future teachers’ preparedness for professional self-development: motivational and axiological, informational and cognitive, organisational and activity, emotional and emotional and volitional, reflexive and evaluation. In order to assess the level of future teachers’ preparedness for professional self-development the following methods were used: “Methods for assessing creative activity” by M. Rozhkov, Yu. Tiunnikov, B. Alishev, L. Volovich; “Test for assessing the level of sociability” by V. Riakhovskyi; “Self-confidence” by V. Romek; “Selfassessment of one’s self-confidence” by S. Yemelianov; “Self-actualisation test”, “Method of assessing volitional self-regulation” by A. Zverkov, Ye. Slidman; “Technique of self-evaluation and self-regulation” by S. Vershlovskyi; test “To what extent are you disciplined?” by L. Matsko, M. Pryschak, T. Pervunina; “Ability to self-management” by N. Peisakhov, etc. Some components were assessed by means of observation and expert evaluation. It has been found that before the experiment 6.19% of students from the experimental group (according to 3 criteria) had critical level of readiness for continuous professional self-development; 28% of the surveyed had adaptive level; 50% of the respondents has the basic level; 13.81% has the optimal one and 2,78 of the students had the creative level of preparedness. In the control group, 60.1% of the surveyed had critical level of preparedness for professional self-development; 25.96% - adaptive; 51.44% - basic; 14.42% - optimal and 2.16% - creative level of preparedness. Having considered the results of the experiment it has been concluded that it is reasonable to create conditions which would prepare students for professional self-development. Preparedness for professional self-development cannot be formed by means of direct pedagogical impact, because this ability cannot be transferred from a teacher to a student. However, a teacher can create the necessary conditions contributing the formation of the examined quality in students-future pedagogues.


 professional self-development, preparedness, readiness, future teachers, assessment, components.




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