(2016) Science and education, 10, 173-178. Odessa.

Oleksandr Pysmychenko,
lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods of Applied Decorative Arts and Graphics,
Olha Smychkovska,
lecturer, Department of Fine Arts,
Tetiana Shtykalo,
lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods of Applied Decorative Arts and Graphics,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
2/4, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Nowadays, young generation of artists plays a significant role in the representation and development of traditions of the national culture. Education takes an important part in the formation of students’ personalities and their professional skills. Thus, professional education is the basis for the effective and productive professional work of young artists, and competent teachers’ activity could be helpful in competence-acquiring process and its creative implementation. The article is aimed to present the peculiarities of artistic and pedagogical activity of a teacher in competence-acquiring process of students of the Faculty of Arts and Graphics, as well as innovative trends in modern art education. Fine art activity is regarded as the unity of value-oriented, cognitive, transformative, communicative and aesthetic activities that should be considered in the competence-acquiring process of students of the Faculty of Arts and Graphics. The following peculiarities of innovative technologies have been allocated: focus on the result, not on the process; the main purpose is the ability to use the obtained knowledge and skills of practical activities; the use of the activity approach for acquiring knowledge; creating conditions for the organisation of the educational environment; a teacher acts like an expert; focus on the individual development; paying attention to the peculiarities of school students’ socialisation in the process of studying and after graduating. The innovative capacity of a pedagogue’s personality involves the following parameters: creative ability to produce new ideas and use them in practice; flexibility of thinking; readiness for improving one’s activity; cultural and aesthetic development and intelligence. Teacher’s readiness for innovative activities is considered as the maturity of personal (working capacity, emotional stability, readiness for creativity) and professional qualities (knowledge of new teaching methods, the skills of developing projects, etc.).


 artistic and pedagogical activity, competence-based approach, competency, competence.




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