Olena Novska . Technique of Self-Planning of Future Music Teachers’ Professional Development

(2016) Science and education, 10, 52-58. Odessa.

Olena Novska,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)
, senior lecturer, Department of Musical and Instrumental Training,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The studied issue is relevant in terms of the modern educational demands, which require creative competitive spe￾cialists in all spheres of education and in the area of music arts in particular. Self-planning is a technology which makes it possible to meet these requirements due to its creative and developing potential. The article is aimed at substantiating the efficient method of self-planning of future Music teachers’ professional development in the process of studying at a pedagogical university. Self-planning of professional development is considered as personal axiological integrated creative and research activities of master-degree students, which provide the creation of the desired image of profes￾sional Self and designing of individual path to its achievement, as well as actualisation of their attitude towards profes￾sional self-perfection, efficient performance and pedagogical reflection, realisation of the creative potential. Basing on certain scientific approaches, principles and pedagogical conditions the essence of method of self-planning of future Music teachers’ professional activities has been described. It has been developed considering the specificity of music education within master-degree course at a pedagogical university. It is based on students’ getting thought the following stages in the process of music education, conditioned by the gradual character of the phenomenon of self-planning of professional activities’ development: conceptual, modeling, image, monitoring. Each of these four stages resulted in students’ presentation of the prepared projects. The carried out research results showed the increase of the indicators of self-planning of future Music teachers’ professional activities in the experimental group, which was caused by the im￾plementation of the developed author’s programme into the educational process. 


self-planning, professional development, self-planning of professional development, methodical sup￾port of self-planning of professional development




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