Sergey Guzun, Olga Guzun . Analysis of Performance of Medical College Students with Vegetative Dysfunction in Subject “Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine” on Top of Vitamin Therapy

(2016) Science and education, 10, 39-45. Odessa.

Sergey Guzun,
Head of the Department of Surgical Disciplines,
high level certificate teacher of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Science,
Olga Guzun,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences),
high level certificate physician, Ophthalmology teacher,
Odesa Regional Primary Medical College,
4, Pushkinska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Under modern conditions a number of factors of the environment, intensification and reconsideration of teaching methods, sedentary lifestyle, computerisation cause the increase of the number of diseases and functional disorders of organs and systems in students. The efficient professional training is impossible without their active involvement into the educational process, which requires mobilisation of will, psychophysical and spiritual forces. The article is aimed atanalyzing the performance of medical college students with vegetative dysfunction in subject “Anesthesiology and emergency medicine” in the course of taking dietary supplement “Nutrof®Total”. The experiment involved 2 groups of female medical college students (36 girls) aged from 18 to 20 years with asthenopic and asthenic complaints. The fe￾male students of the experimental group (17 girls) took the abovementioned dietary supplement during 4 months. Both groups of the surveyed were thoroughly examined (ophthalmologic, vegetative system examination, as well as the anal￾ysis of their study performance). It has been found that in the experimental group the students’ state of the vegetative system has become much better (60,1% of the surveyed). As a result of the improvement of the vegetative nervous system, general well-being and the decrease of the number of complaints their study performance has increased about 31,6%, as a result of the increase of their activity – about 15,7%, the improvement of their attentiveness and diligence – about 22,1%, the acquisition of knowledge – about 18,9%. The comparative analysis of study performance in both groups of students has shown that it is worse in the surveyed of the control group, who didn’t take any drugs. The im￾provement of study performance contributes to the development of students’ creative potential, forms their positive motivation, active professional and life attitude, which helps to improve the educational process efficiency.


 medical college students, subject “Anesthesiology and emergency medicine”, improvement of study performance, improvement of attention, vegetovascular dystonia, vitamin therapy.




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