Kateryna Hnatenko . Psycho-Pedagogical Aspects of Junior School Students’ Perception of Art Works

(2016) Science and education, 10, 18-23. Odessa.

Kateryna Hnatenko,
post-graduate student,
Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Philological Disciplines at Primary School,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
2, Valentynivska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



The issue of children’s perception of a literary writing is relevant in contemporary pedagogy; solving it will help organise the methodological work at primary schools more efficiently. Taking into account the enormous cog￾nitive and educational role of literature, teaching children to perceive and understand works of art fully is a particu￾larly important task for schools. The perception of literature as works of art requires a multi-aspect research at the intersection of different disciplines. Philosophical reflection theory is the theoretical basis for perception interpreta￾tion; psychology and physiology make it possible to investigate the very process and mechanism of perception; literary studies, aesthetics, art history facilitate the understanding of the perception of an art work in its specificity. Despite the fact that the issue of children’s perception of a literary work is the focus of many scientists’ attention, there are a great number of issues that need to be solved: there is no standard classification of perception levels; no terminology; no consensus on the number of perception levels, skills that a school student should have at each level, and teacher’s involvement in the perception process. The process of perception, like most psychological processes, is a complicated integrated process, which consists of certain levels that depend on a great number of factors: the culture of a reader, viewer, his/her physiological characteristics, circumstances. All the perception levels embedded in literary texts are determined by the interaction of an author and a reader, their conversation. In our study, we relied on four levels of art work perception, which are peculiar to children of primary school age. Each of these levels is typical for a certain age of junior school students. The level of perception makes it possible to evaluate the school students’ literary development, their ability to analyse the work. Prospects for further research are deter￾mined by the necessity of selecting Ukrainian literature for children, which will make it possible to determine the level of junior school students’ perception and required future methodological work correctly 


perception, literature readings, children’s literature, primary school, levels of perception, junior school students.




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