Daria Yemelianova, Liudmyla Avramovych. Formation of Physics Teachers’ Foreign Language Self-Educational Competence.

(2016) Science and education, 10, 162-167. Odessa.

Daria Yemelianova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Western and Eastern Languages and Methods of their Teaching Liudmyla Avramovych,
Faculty of Physics and Mathematics,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynskyi,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Ukrainian National Doctrine of educational development in the 21st century has determined that the main purpose of education is to create the conditions for the development and self-realisation of every person, ensuring a high quality of education to graduates of schools and universities. The competence-based approach is considered as a perspective direction of renewal of the education which would meet the modern requirements. The implementation of the competence-based approach combines the purposes of education and professional activities. Teaching a foreign language to students majoring in non-linguistic specialties should contribute to the development of their communicative competence, the formation of such a level of language skills, which meets the professional requirements, which is high enough to establish personal and business contacts, etc. The article is aimed at describing the peculiarities of the formation of future Physics teachers’ self- competence in the process of teaching a foreign language (English) to them as an essential component of their professional competence. The following methods were used in the study: testing, questionnaires, interviews, etc. Their application has made it possible to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of modern information technologies as a powerful tool of foreign language self-educational competence of the future teachers of Physics. The multimedia educational complex in a foreign language with professional direction developed by students in collaboration with the teacher, as well as work on the creation of a professionally designed project provided an opportunity to intensify the educational process; implement interactive communication between all participants of the educational process (student - student, student - teacher, student - a group of students); simplify the academic performance rating; carry out continuous monitoring of students’ progress; save time spent by a teacher on preparing for classes and creating handout; activate the formation of selfeducational foreign language competence of the future teachers of Physics. Effective use of information computer technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages to students promotes the development of their self-education competence, which confirms the necessity of carrying out further studies at other non-linguistic specialties.


 foreign language self-educational competence, formation, future teachers of Physics, self-education.




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