Cheng Luxin. Creative Potential of Future Music Teachers’ Vocal Training.

(2016) Science and education, 10, 157-167. Odessa.

Cheng Luxin,
post-graduate student,
Department of Music Arts and Choreography,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of students’ creative development in the process of vocal training on the basis of the creative potential of vocal arts. Vocal training at pedagogical universities has its specificity, because at the level of training Bachelor-degree students, the mastering of methods of working with child’s voice and voice-training are considered as the main professional competences of students. The vocal training also involves mastering the techniques of working with child repertoire, ensembles with different types of voice, etc. There are two aspects of vocal training – technological (mastering the vocal apparatus), as well as artistic and imaginative (the creative component of vocals). Special attention is paid to the advantage of the technological component in the process of training. Vocal training is considered as a complex and multi-aspect process which has powerful motivational and performance resource for students majoring in vocals. The creative potential of singing is predetermined by the following functions: culturological, mental, as well as creative and developmental. They determine the functional vectors of future Music teachers’ vocal training. The creative potential of students’ vocal training is based both on culturological, artistic and mental, as well as creative and development directions of vocal arts, which perform the corresponding functions, so they can be purposefully applied in the educational process. Besides, in the article, vocal lyrics is considered as a pedagogical resource which provides the emotional experience, contributes to the realisation of functional and meaningful vectors of future Music teachers’ vocal training. 


vocal training, vocal arts, creative potential of vocal training, future Music teachers.




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