Аnna Dobrovolska. Preparing Future Doctors and Pharmacists for Self-Education Within the Limits of the Developed Mod-el.

(2016) Science and education, 10, 138-139. Odessa.

Аnna Dobrovolska,
PhD (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Medical Informatics,
Medical and Biological Physics,
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University,
2, Halytska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine



In the article, the concept of «self-education» in the context of its application in the process of forming information technology competence (the IT competence) of future doctors and pharmacists in the process of teaching natural science subjects to them has been considered. The following structural components of self-educational activity of future specialists in the process of forming IT competence in the process of teaching natural science subjects to them have been distinguished: motivational, orientational, organizational, procedural, cognitive, value-willed, evaluative, reflexive levels. It has been established that future doctors and pharmacists acquire self-educational skills of four levels in the process of forming IT competence within the limits of studying the natural science subjects. Basing on the reviewing of the curricula it has been concluded that a significant part of academic hours in the process of teaching the natural science subjects is given to independent work. The independent work is considered as one of the major components of the overall management system of the educational process at medical or pharmaceutical universities. It has been found that psychological, psycho-physiological and social factors influence the formation of readiness of the future specialists for self-education in the process of acquiring the IT competence. It has been concluded that the motivational, cognitive, activity, evaluative criteria of the content and organisation of self-educational activity determine the criteria of future specialists’ preparedness for self-education. The model of preparing future doctors and pharmacists for self-education in the process of acquisition of the IT competence in the process teaching natural science subjects to them has been developed. Low, satisfactory, medium and high levels of future specialists’ readiness for self-education within the limits of the developed model have been determined. It has been concluded that the use of the developed model of preparing future doctors and pharmacists for self-education and mastering technologies, methods and forms of its implementation in the process of acquiring the IT competence in the process of teaching natural science subjects to them improves their self-educational activity.


aspects, readiness to self-education, criteria, model, levels, self-education, independent work, structural components, factors




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