Olha Hulai. Professional Training in Terms of Continuous Education: Methodological Approaches.

(2016) Science and education, 10, 125-130. Odessa.

Olha Hulai,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering Designs of Plastic Forming,
Lutsk National Technical University,
75, Lvivska Str., Lutsk, Ukraine



Basic methodological approaches to professional training of future engineers (majoring in building) at technical universities have been described in the article. The outlined issue concerns not only pedagogical, but also technical universities, where traditionally more attention is paid to scientific and technical maintenance of disciplines, but not methodology or teaching techniques. Modern higher educational institutions face a task to teach a student to master knowledge and skills, absorb information independently, to teach him/her to study throughout life. Under the conditions of continuous education, the philosophical methodology should be used as a general strategy of examining features of professional education of future engineers-builders. The system approach can be applied with the aim to review the professional training of future builders in the context of intercommunication of all its elements. The activity approach involves complex use of innovative teaching technologies, with the transfer to intensive, interactive teaching forms and methods. From the positions of acmeology, the future specialists majoring in building are considered as subjects, capable of self-development, creative thinking, and self-organisation. Synergetics determines the idea of openness, nonlinearity of the pedagogical systems, their self-development and self-realisation. Introduction of synergetic principles in the educational process contributes to the formation of the nonlinear, system-creative thinking, exposure of the hidden potential and perspective tendencies of the development. The person-centered approach is used for the organisation of the educational process focused on the formation of a future specialist’s personality, his/her creative capabilities, general and professional culture; considering them as a condition of the high-quality education and successful professional activity of future builders. The outlined methodological approaches will contribute to the achievement of the main task of higher education – forming graduates’ professional competences. Implementation of these approaches can increase the efficiency of continuous education.


continuous education, professional competence of a builder, system, action, self-oriented, acmeological, synergetic approaches.




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