Mariana Marusinets . Reflexive Approaches in Modernisation of Future Psychologists’ Training

(2016) Science and education, 10, 82-87. Odessa.

Mariana Marusinets,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of training future psychologists at modern universities with a focus on the new ap￾proaches, concepts and theories. Among them, the reflexive one is of priority, as it contributes to the reorientation of targets for self-realisation and creative development of a professional’s personality. It is based on the idea of intercon￾nected reflexive activities of all members providing the direction of the educational process at the development of re￾flection in general, its mechanisms and components of personal-semantic sphere, and multi-subjective interaction in particular. Consequently, it becomes necessary to reconsider the specificity of future specialists-psychologists’ training according to the modern challenges related to the modernisation of education, because the traditional system of modern universities is mainly focused on cognitive educational paradigm, in which the activities of the students, the process of their self-education, self-development, self-regulation, self-improvement, which serves as the basis for the development of reflection and self-reflection, are stimulated insufficiently. It is the reflection that is one of the main components of a modern and innovative process of learning, as it acts as the most important ethical and moral phenomenon, due to which the consciousness appears to be an active tool of self-organisation of a personality; makes it possible to implement basic didactical principle, which is justified by domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical thought. Awareness of reflection as “psychological and pedagogical fundamentals”, “live” foundations of innovative teaching determined the  cultural integration of two technological phenomena:“Teaching to form knowledge” and “Teaching to think” – main￾streams of modern education. One of the necessary conditions for the creation of educational and reflective environment is the promotion of innovative activities of the psychologist, which, being a socio-pedagogical phenomenon, is an im￾portant feature of his/her activities and characterises the complex relationships of the common culture, creative potential and professional orientation of a future psychologist. 


reflection, reflective paradigm, reflective environment, modernisation of education, training of special￾ists majoring in psychology.




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