Oksana Dzhus National Patriotic Education of Children and Youth in Ukrainian Diaspora: Experience, Attempts of Rethink-ing

(2016) Science and education, 10, 76-81. Odessa.

Oksana Dzhus,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), doctoral student, associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of national patriotic education of children and youth of the Ukrainian diaspora in the artistic heritage of its famous representatives: A. Voloshyna, A. Zhyvotok, I. Ohniienko, S. Rusova, V. Simovych, S. Smal-Stotskyi, S. Siropolk, I. Bondaruk, H. Vashchenko, A. Horokhovych, E. Zharskyi, V. Lenyk, V. Lukash￾Bondaruk, M. Pasternakova, I. Petriv, P. Savchuk, Z. Sahan, V. Stetsiuk, V. Yaniv. Pedagogues-emigrants of the Inter￾War Period set a goal to prepare conscious, nationally oriented citizens of Ukraine, who would worthily present it in the world. They considered the national patriotic education in different ways, but this issue was one of main areas of their works: the development of education in Ukraine starting from ancient times, place and role of the Ukrainian language, traditions and customs in education of new generations of Ukrainians, designing ways for the development of national education in the independent Ukraine; review of the newest pedagogical ideas, etc. Most pedagogues-emigrants of the Inter-War Period regarded national patriotic education as a state strategy. Nevertheless, these issues are fully presented in the artistic heritage of Sophia Rusova. The political processes in the middle of the 20th century conditioned the for￾mation of the new pleiad of the Ukrainian pedagogues-emigrants who were the adherents of the pedagogical ideas of the educators of the Inter-War Period. The issue of national patriotic education was interpreted in the priorities of these scholars’ works: the search for the new ideal of the Ukrainian in the diaspora considering the prospects of the assimila￾tion processes, the national self-identity preservation, the prevention of the degeneration of the nationality; psychologi￾cal aspects of the Ukrainian education abroad, etc. The centre of the national patriotic education in the diaspora and the powerful assimilator processes opposition at that time was the Ukrainian Youth Community.  


national patriotic education, artistic heritage, children, youth, diaspora, emigration, Ukrainian educa￾tion, society.




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