Olha Halitsan . Prerequisites for the Formation of Future Teachers’ Facilitative Attitude in the Educational Environment of Uni-versities

(2016) Science and education, 10, 69-75. Odessa.

Olha Halitsan,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, 26,
Staroportofrankivska, Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of the formation of future teachers’ facilitative attitude in the educational environ￾ment of a modern higher educational institution. It has been found that there is no certain final determination of the term of facilitation. In modern Ukrainian and Russian scientific literature the following terminological variants are used: facilitative communication, facilitative competence, social facilitation. The concept of facilitation is considered as a specific kind of communication between the subjects of the educational environment, which improves the communica￾tion in mutual activities in the sphere of education. The essence of the concept of facilitation in education is synonymi￾cally close to the concepts of pedagogical support, which means it helps to simplify the educational process. The main task of a teacher-facilitator is nondominant intervention in the development and formation of a school student’s person￾ality, formation of positive traits, creation of conditions for initiation and making conscious decisions. Pedagogical facilitation is considered as a specific kind of pedagogical activity of a teacher, which aims at helping a child to realise himself/herself as a self-value, supporting his/her desire for self-development and self-improvement, contribute to his/her personal growth, revealing educational capabilities and skills, instilling axiological attitude towards other peo￾ple, nature, national culture on the basis of humanistic dialogic communication. The prospects for the further research are focused on studying facilitative attitude as the element of the system of a teacher’s professional competence. 


facilitation, facilitative attitude, future teacher, educational environment.




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