Anatolii Yanovskyi . Culture of Safe Use of the Information Environment by Future Teachers

(2016) Science and education, 10, 63-69. Odessa.

Anatolii Yanovskyi,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Pedagogical Innovations,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the features of the safe use of the information environment by future teachers. Basing on the litera￾ture review, the following information environment threats for future teachers have been distinguished: content (unlawful content; promoting drugs, violence, alcohol, terrorism, xenophobia, and gambling; spreading of false information, etc.), psy￾chological (Internet addiction, computer addiction; compulsive web surfing), moral and spiritual (the threat of the adoption of moral values containing anti-social character), physiological (functional disorders of the organs of vision, disorders of muscu￾loskeletal, cardiovascular, nervous, immune and other body systems); delinquency: the threat of unlawful acts against the information environment user. The kinds of culture, which help a person use the information environment with safety have been described. Personal Information Culture is a set of information outlook and the system of knowledge and skills, provid￾ing focused independent activities aimed at satisfying individual information requirements, using both traditional and innova￾tive information technologies. Digital Culture is a new branch of modern culture based on the use of electronic means of in￾formation and communication technologies in all spheres of human activities. Media culture includes culture of information transfer and culture of its perception; it may be a system of personal development levels able to read, analyze, evaluate media texts, deal with media arts, acquire new knowledge by means of media. The culture of safe use of the information environ￾ment by future teachers is considered as a set of rules of conduct in the information environment with the help of which a future teacher realises and develops it as a system of symbols and signs, direct and inverse information chains generated by means of information and communication technologies defending the vital interests of an individual, preventing adverse effect on his/her social, spiritual and moral well-being and a healthy physical and mental development.


culture, information safety, information environment, information culture, media culture, future teachers.




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