Iryna Levytska. Peculiarities of Dialogic Interaction in the Educational Process of Future Music Art Teachers

(2016) Science and education, 1, 37-41. Odessa.

Iryna Levytska,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Music and Instrumental Training,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the review of peculiarities of dialogic interaction in the educational process of future Music Art teachers. The essence of the term “dialogue” as well as its significance in music education have been revealed. A dialogue is considered to be a specific form of personal interaction and a kind of relations, when a partner is regarded as an equal free subject with his/her own interests, values and inner world. It has been emphasized that a dialogue should be based on openness, humanism, tolerance, kindness, activeness, readiness to accept others’ opinion, etc. A music pedagogical dialogue is characterized by the process of spiritual cooperation of a compositor, a teacher and students. It has been also noted that a dialogue, in which the exchange of not only knowledge but also personal senses and collaboration take place, is provided by democratic style of communication in the system “teacher-student”, where equal significance of partners is of special importance. Dialogism in the process of music education is implemented in the following forms: a dialogue between a student and a teacher during one-to-one tuitions, a dialogue between a student and a music composition, as well as a virtual dialogue with a composer-an author of a music composition, a dialogue between students acting as performers-interpreters and students-listeners during concerts, seminars; a macrodialogue between cultures, when a musician performs compositions of different epochs. That is why the main purpose of dialogic interaction in the educational process of future Music Art teachers is to develop their creative and personal potential, teach them to understand music and contribute to their self-realization


dialogue, dialogic interaction, music pedagogical dialogue, future Music Art teachers. 




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