(2016) Science and education, 1, 32-36. Odessa.
Liudmyla Badiul,
senior teacher, Department of Foreign Languages,
Odesa National Economic University,
8, Preobrazhenska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
non-linguistic higher educational institutions and their foreign language proficiency level. The aim of the article is to analyze different approaches to foreign language studying and forms of work, which promote more effective mastering of foreign language in the professional environment. On the basis of the carried out analysis it has been defined that the most effective methods of work with students are the following: the integrated training which is based on work with a text (by Y. V. Dehtiareva); technology of immersion (by Z. M. Korneva); interactive methods of training (business professional games, case study, discussions, brain storms, presentations, etc.). The article considers some cases optimized for work with the first and second year students of higher educational institutions of economic specialties. Similar cases, according to the author, positively influence the motivation of students-economists to foreign language studying and increase their proficiency level as these cases are based on real situations which future economists must be able to solve in their professional activity. Besides, individual work takes the most part of study load, so there are some topics of presentations for students’ individual work offered in article. The topics have been selected considering their significance for future economists. The prospects of the further research are aimed at developing a set of special exercises for students’ individual work.
foreign language, levels of foreign language proficiency, interactive methods of training, case study, individual work, students of economic specialties.
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