(2016) Science and education, 1, 11-17. Odessa.
Bozhena Bukhovets,
postgraduate student,
Departament of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine,
South Ukranian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine.
The article deals with the issue of assessing the effectiveness of Bobath-therapy as one of the leading methods of correcting psychophysical development by examining changes in the basic motor skills in children with motor disturbances. There are certain standards and norms for the psychophysical development of children, according to which it is possible to diagnose some psychophysical development disorders. These disturbances include undevelopment of motor skills and discrepancy of biological, social and psychophysical ages. The correction of psychophysical states of children with psychophysical development delay manifested in motor disturbances is carried out with the help of a number of correctional measures, which contribute to socialization and adaptation of children with motor disturbances, stimulating the formation of basic motor and psychic skills. A great number of scales of assessing the process of forming motor skills and basic psychic qualities in children with motor disturbances have been tested. But they do not provide the necessary information and are considered to be difficult for using. Taking all their disadvantages into account, the detailed scale of assessing children psychophysical development at Bobath-therapy lessons called “Card-test of motor skills of children aged from 3 months till 18” has been adjusted and implemented. The test made it possible to perform a qualitative and detailed assessment of the stages of children psychophysical development, namely the formation of their basic motor skills in the process of correcting their psychophysical development with the help of Bobath-therapy. However, this method does not assess the development of their psychic qualities. Considering this fact, the development of psychic qualities and the determination of real psychophysical age have been assessed with the help of Munich diagnostic card. These scales helped to determine the real psychophysical age and examine the dynamics of children psychophysical development manifested in obtaining basic motor skills and forming basic psychic qualities. Taking the flexibility, availability and informativeness of the described tests the experiment involved the assessment of stages of psychophysical development and the formation of psychic qualities as well as the determination of the real psychophysical age of 3-4-year-old children with motor disturbances.
Bobath-therapy, Munich diagnostics card, psychomotor development, children of preschool age, motor disturbances.
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