(2016) Science and education, 1, 157-165. Odessa.
Ella Pecherska,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), freelance professor,
Department of Music Arts and Choreography,
Oleksii Usachov,
specialist of the Department of Music and Choreprgaphic Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The article is aimed at specifying the essence of artistic thinking and developing methods of its formation in adolescents in the process of participating in mass cultural events. Artistic thinking is considered to be the human ability to think in the artistic context, which involves individual comprehension of works of arts. It is mental process characteristic, which allows to express one’s thoughts and feelings in the emotionally imaginative form. The distinctive features of artistic thinking are imaginative, associative and metaphoric character, specific correspondence of the form and content. There has been offered the structure of artistic thinking, which includes the following components: motivational, axiological, emotional, empathic, rational, cognitive, creative, and active. In order to study the development of artistic thinking in adolescents in the process of participating in mass cultural events the experimental work involving 14-16-yearold adolescents in the recreational centre “Moloda Hvardiia” has been conducted. It consisted of three stages: 1) the development of criteria approach to the diagnostics of the adolescents’ artistic thinking maturity; 2) conducting the ascertaining experiment; 3) the development of methods of adolescents’ artistic thinking formation in the process of participating in mass cultural events though the example of LARP. Basing on the results of the theoretical research, the criteria apparatus, consisting of criteria (motivational and axiological, emotional and empathic, rational and cognitive, creative and active) and corresponding indices, has been presented. The following methods have been used in the experiment: questioning, talking, testing, and creative tasks. The developed methods of forming artistic thinking in adolescents is based on the principles of randomness, role participating, self-organization of the participants, disregarding the reality when role-playing, psychological support of the participants. The technique is based on the following pedagogical conditions: providing the diversity of artistic content of role-playing games; using stage property and visual effects; motivating students to obtain the artistic skills. According to these conditions the following methods have been developed and implemented in the process of the experiment: extracurricular reading, watching thematic movies, observing, costume competition, creative search, modeling, improvisation, etc.
artistic thinking, cultural mass events, role-playing games, LARP.
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