(2016) Science and education, 1, 146-152. Odessa.
Yan Yuan,
post-graduate student, Department of Music Arts and Choreography,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine
Students’ creative potential fulfillment depends on their personal involvement into the self-guided work aimed at the acquisition of new knowledge, self-study and self-preparation for teaching practice. Self-preparing is associated with some difficulties peculiar for future teachers training. One of the ways of solving this problem is the improvement of students’ self-preparing skills for teaching practice. The article deals with the staged methodology of preparing students for teaching practice. Basing of the interpretation of the concept of students’ self-preparing as a planned kind of activities, performed according to the task and guided by a lecturer, but without his/her direct participation, this process is considered as the independent work carried out by a student without any supervision. In this process students use certain theoretical and practical experience obtained before. The methodology of students’ self-preparing is based on the “activity approach”, “synergetic approach”, “multi-subject (dialogical) approach”, and “person-centered approach”. Besides, it also includes three stages: preparatory, interiorization and exteriorization. The first stage is aimed at the formation of motives of students’ independent work oriented at pedagogical creativity. The second stage is based on the substantive aspect. The third stage is aimed at transferring a student’s internal psychic action into external one. Every stage involves the acquisition of a certain number of methods and tools by students, which are described in the article.
self-study, students’ self-preparing work, teaching forms, activity approach, synergetic approach, educational motivation.
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