Alla Bochevar. State of Future Lawyers’ Informative and Communicative Competence Maturity.

(2016) Science and education, 1, 5-10. Odessa.

Alla Bochevar,
senior lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages,
Odessa State University of Internal Affairs,
1, Uspenska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article reviews the criteria, indicators and levels of future lawyers’ informative and communicative competence maturity. Thematic justification of the article is determined by pedagogical and social significance of the issue of training future lawyers because the role of the legal profession in modern society is undoubtedly appreciable. The content of the legal profession is a complex, multi-component system of activities including the integral components such as interaction with the participants of legal relations and direct communication with people in conditions of information saturation. Thus, the formation of the informative and communicative competence of future lawyers is one of the important tasks that each legal educational establishment should set as a predominant goal while educating specialists in the field of law. Having analyzed a number of psychological and pedagogical sources we have arrived at the conclusion that despite the availability of scientific works on the problem of lawyers’ professional competence in general, informative and communicative competence in particular, the issue of the informative and communicative competence of lawyers is considered to be understudied in psychological and pedagogical literature. We have defined such criteria of the aforementioned competence as motivational and volitive, gnoseological, operational and axiological. The maturity of all indicators taken together defines the level of future lawyers’ informative and communicative competence maturity. We distinguish four levels of its maturity: high, sufficient, middle and low. On the basis of the above mentioned criteria, indicators and levels an ascertaining experiment has been carried out. The survey has been conducted in Odessa State University of Internal Affairs and involved 112 students-future lawyers. The experiment has shown that overwhelming majority of students don’t have high and sufficient level of the informative and communicative competence maturity. This proves that the traditional approach to teaching future lawyers does not provide the formation of their informative and communicative competence at a sufficient level. The analysis of the ascertaining experiment confirms the worthwhileness of further research in this field and seeking for appropriate methods and approaches to teaching future lawyers’ to form their informative and communicative competence.


criteria, indicators, informative and communicative competence, teaching of lawyers. 




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