Tetiana Dedilova, Inna Tokar, Artem Filatov. Gender Aspect of Students’ Perception of Lecturers’ Work

(2016) Science and education, 1, 137-145. Odessa.

Tetiana Dedilova,
PhD (Candidate of Economic Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Business Economics,
Inna Tokar,
assistant, Department of business economics,
Artem Filatov,
master degree student, Department of business economics,
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (HNADU),
25, Petrovsky Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



Reformation of the domestic higher educational system requires the compliance with international educational standards, and the formation of high educational culture with a gender orientation. However, the implementation of gender-specific activities in the field of education is complicated by gender stereotypes regarding the allocation of male and female roles in the Ukrainian educational system and the society in general. The article is aimed at developing the methodical bases of the assessment of university staff potential from the gender perspective by means of creating a hierarchical tree of the expert model of assessing lecturers. The realization of this aim is based on the results of the use of expert methods as the applied techniques. The analysis results have confirmed the existence of stereotypes among students about gender peculiarities of men and women in education and society in general. As a result of the survey it has been found that male students are focused on the cognitive (informative) component of the educational process when assessing lecturer’s work, whereas the female students choose the aesthetic component as the most important one. This implies the image of an ideal lecturer in girls’ and boys’ eyes as a personality with a high level of masculinity and/or middle level of femininity of a lecturer and a clear differentiation of his/her human qualities by gender. At the same time a typically male image includes a set of traits, norms and rules of conduct, which are not strictly limited by the society and which are identified with rational thinking and success. A typically female image is associated with emotionality, humanity, and highly developed social and communicative skills. “Genderless” of higher school pedagogy determines the emergence of a number of problems the solution of which requires the implementation of a gender approach into the educational and organizational activities of Ukrainian universities.


university, teacher, student, gender stereotypes, men, woman, evaluation




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