(2016) Science and education, 1, 134-137. Odessa.
Ahlaia Polikhronidi,
lecturer, Department of Solo Singing,
The Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music,
63, Novoselskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The article presents a modern interpretation of the term “inclusion”, which is used to describe the process of teaching children with special needs at comprehensive schools. Considering the interpretation of the term “a child with special educational needs” some categories of children with special educational needs have been distinguished. It has been noted that the work with children with special educational needs has its specificity: every comprehensive school teacher, who is going to work with such children, must obtain the necessary knowledge and skills. Special attention is paid to the considerable capabilities of modern Music lessons as the lessons of multi-artistic activities of school students and the influence of music on the development of physical, psychic and mental aspects of children’s development. It has been emphasized that the content, forms and methods of the educational work in an inclusive class must be focused on the correction of current disabilities. In this regard the Tomatis method based on the system of audio trainings has been suggested. It is aimed at increasing the brain capacity of perceiving and processing information by ear. This method provides stimulation of bone conduction and outer ear by means of playing and interchanging audio frequencies. The peculiarities of using this method have been revealed with the help of a special electronic apparatus “Electronic ear”. It is important for a teacher be able to choose the appropriate forms, methods and means of work with children with special needs considering the nosology of every child. The effectiveness of the Tomatis method for the improvement of children’s motor and sensor skills, attentiveness and space orientation, speech development, communication skills, reaction rate, development of creative and music abilities as well as their emotional state has been proved.
inclusion, children with special needs, audio training, the Tomatis method.
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