(2016) Science and education, 1, 130-133. Odessa.
Wei Qixuan,
post-graduate student, Department of Administration of Educational Institutions and Civil Service,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
71, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The article reveals the essence of the concepts of “expert review”, “pedagogical review”, and “expert assessment”. The importance of expert assessment in education managers’ management activities has been theoretically substantiated; its characteristics have been described. Besides, it has been justified that these activities are presented by two components: pedagogical and management, which differ from each other by their functions. Expert review is considered as a technique of assessing the results of a certain kind of activity in the educational system, with the help of which managers make conclusions about their quality. The review of scientific literature allows to note that expert assessment is a dynamic process, which is constantly developing and modifying; its characteristic features are the integration of educational expertise according to different assessment technologies and the development of methods of expert assessment of educational processes and the increasing of the importance of educational institutions’ self-assessment. Expert assessment is regarded as the process of obtaining expert assessments, conclusions and recommendations about the state and prospects of educational institutions’ development on the basis of their self-assessments using the developed technology of assessment, state standards and providing the participation of competent experts. The issue of the expert review is a component of educational managers’ professional activities, which is extremely important for their training, because the efficiency of education reforms depends on the quality of expert review. Every director of an educational institution must be an expert in the sphere of education, have the necessary competences, analytical skills and practical experience in the field of expert review of pedagogical subjects, events and phenomena, which results in the formation of expert conclusions aiming at making manager decisions.
expert review, pedagogical review, expert assessment, education managers.
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