Bella Holyk. Quality of the Educational Environment of Future Designers’ Professional Training

(2016) Science and education, 1, 115-120. Odessa.

Bella Holyk,
post-graduate student,
Department of Cultural Studies and Methods Of Teaching Cultural Subjects,
Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V. G. Korolenko,
2, Ostrohradskoho Str., Poltava, Ukraine



The article deals with the structure of the educational levels of high-quality professional training of future designers. The phenomenon of the educational quality at all its levels has been defined. There has been also scientifically substantiated the concept of design education that serves as the subject of cultural, aesthetic and creative research, as well as the professional becoming of professionals in this field. It has been noted that the educational environment of future designers’ professional training presents the consistent system formation of their professional orientation and development. The constituent of the levels of future designers’ professional development is their vocational guidance, which is reflected in the following aspects: the ability to manifest a taste for a certain kind of activity, take responsibility for the consequences of one’s own choice, to develop diligence, working capacity, orientation at own capabilities and affections. The training process of students emphasizes the concept “person-design-environment” which leads to the main areas of activity: forming consciousness, developing skills, applying theory in practice. As for higher school, the structure of professional basis of assessing consequences of professional activities is building there. Besides it is oriented at the development of personal creative skills, providing mobility and competitiveness. Postgraduate education is focused on the ability to perform professional duties, to get an appointment according to one’s qualification level, selfdevelopment and self-assessment of professional competence and personal development. It is the implementation of the system of multileveled professional training of future designers which will effectively assist its quality improvement. The educational environment will depend on the educational institution which successfully combines staff, region, economic development, and traditions. The activity of a teacher and a student at all educational levels will provide the education quality improvement and professional skills acquisition. 


education, design, quality, design-education, specialist, vocational guidance, higher educational institution, professional training, educational levels, professional competence, postgraduate education.




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