(2016) Science and education, 1, 107-114. Odessa.
Tetiana Dedilova,
PhD (Candidate of Economic Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Business Economics,
Inna Tokar,
assistant, Department of Business Economics,
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (HNADU),
25, Petrovsky Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine
Modern trends of the formation of the unified European educational space, caused by the objective requirements of the international labor market development, demand more and more efforts in reforming the higher education system in Ukraine. One of such directions is the formation of a favorable environment for positive changes regarding the reduction of gender disparities in education by overcoming gender stereotypes. The education as one of the most important social institutions would be able to integrate a gender perspective into the educational process, and thereby this will ensure the formation of social European gender culture in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to consider the theoretical foundations of the gender approach into higher education from the point of view of the complexity and diversity of its substantive content, and to provide the characteristics of the domestic system of education considering gender stereotypes that are applied to this system. The realization of this aim is based on the analysis and theoretical generalization of the general scientific methods of research. The applied research of the study is based on the results of the statistical methods use. The current stage of the development of higher education in Ukraine requires deep rethinking and arrangement of relevant priorities in favor of applying the gender approach compared with the sex-role approach. The research results have shown that in addition to the explicit curriculum, there is so-called hidden curriculum, which strengthens the sex-role approach in education. The negative trends concerning the established norms and rules, which have been formed over the years in higher education under the influence of gender stereotypes, do not meet the modern requirements of the development of the European educational space. The destruction of the old educational system in favor of the creation of modern Ukrainian universities with the specified educational services requires the implementation of gender-oriented education technologies and management education system as a whole.
higher education system, gender, university, stereotype, woman, man.
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